My Bench: Natalie Handling
Posted November 06, 2019 |
Natalie Handling shares that the best part of her job is the variety, challenge of a complicated design or repair, and the joy it brings to the recipient.
NATALIE HANDLING Works at: Fairfax & Roberts, Sydney
Years in trade: 29 years Training: Sir John Cass School of Art, Architecture & Design, London, six years First job: Paragon Jewellers, London, 1996 Other qualifications: Gemmologist and hand engraver. I learnt in London and then was taught engraving at Enmore TAFE for two years. I now also run my own engraving business. |
Favourite gemstone:Tourmaline, as it comes in so many beautiful colours. Favourite metal:Platinum; it demands respect when you work with it to get a beautiful finish. Also, there’s this fineness you can push it to. Favourite tool:Tweezers – I’m lost if I can’t find one of my two ‘special’ pairs! Best part of job:Variety, the challenge of a complicated design or repair, and the joy it brings to the recipient. Worst part of job:Seeing the disruptive technology, CAD [computer-assisted design], change the skill-set required to become a well-rounded and confident jeweller. Best tip from a jeweller:It’s old school: using a gramophone needle in a pin-vice as a burnisher. I still use it almost every day. Best tip to a jeweller:Never be afraid to try a new way of doing something. Time taken to get each step of a job where it needs to be along the way will result in a better and faster job. Biggest health concern on the bench:Polishing and protecting my eyeballs! Love jewellery because: It’s my creative outlet. |