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A new show from Jewellery World may well be on the calendar for 2012
A new show from Jewellery World may well be on the calendar for 2012

New jewellery fair for Sydney?

Only one week after the JAA signed a new five-year agreement with jewellery trade fair organiser, Expertise Events, a new fair has been announced for Sydney.
Two days before this year’s official JAA International Jewellery Fair, The Intermedia Group, the publishing house behind Jewellery World magazine, announced the launch of a rival jewellery exhibition, set to kick-off in 2012.

“A new jewellery show produced by Jewellery World and Interpoint Events, an award winning exhibition company, will be launched next year,” commented publisher John Abolins in an email sent to select industry members.

Scheduled for late August, the proposed fair – entitled the Jewellery World Show – will take place only one week before the official JAA industry fair, September 2-4, 2012, of which Jeweller is the official media partner.

For JAA chairman Peter Beever, the announcement of The Intermedia Group’s exhibition came as something of a surprise:  “The JAA wasn’t aware that Jewellery World was planning a fair at all, let alone a fair one week before our official industry trade fair,” Beever told Jeweller, expressing doubts about the viability of another exhibition.

Beever added, “We are not sure why there is a need for a second Sydney fair and we’re not confident that the industry could support a second event at the same time as our [JAA] fair.”

Jewellery World is owned by one of Australia’s largest business publishers, The Intermedia Group, which has a stable of nearly 50 magazines and online publications. Interpoint Events, the firm planning the Jewellery World Show, is an offshoot of Intermedia and organises more than 10 annual events.

According to Abolins’ email statement, the Intermedia has also established a new marketing division, Jewellery Promotion Service, which will “plough” a share of the fair’s profits into “promoting the jewellery industry” through consumer advertising.

However, industry figures were uncertain about how any such marketing strategy would be implemented, and why. Nationwide Jewellers managing director and JAA director Colin Pocklington said he had not seen a documented plan or strategy about a fund for a consumer advertising campaign.

Pocklington, who also sits on the JAA trade fair subcommittee, formed to work closely with its strategic partner, Expertise Events, queried why such a large private company would seek to fund a consumer marketing campaign for the Australian jewellery industry.

Jewellery World is a JAA member but they have not informed the JAA about a proposed consumer advertising fund,” Pocklington said. “The JAA wonders why it would be better for a private company to establish a promotion fund for the Australian jewellery industry given that the JAA is the peak body representing all sectors of the jewellery industry.”

When announced last week, JAA chief executive officer Ian Hadassin explained that the new five-year contract with Expertise Events means the organisation will be able to provide funding for many of the new JAA initiatives – including an official JAA enquiry into the apprenticeship and sales trainee schemes currently offered to the jewellery industry throughout Australia.

Intermedia’s announcement coincided with the 20th anniversary of the Sydney trade fair last week. Expertise Event’s managing director Gary Fitz-Roy explained that the event had grown from humble origins to the major event it is today.

“We’ve come along way since our first fair in 1992 where we could only manage less than half a hall at Darling Harbour,” said Fitz-Roy. “Not only are we proud of what we have achieved, I am very proud of what we contribute back to the JAA and the wider industry in cash and ‘kind’.”

According to the email announcement, the proposed new trade fair will take place at Sydney’s Hordern Pavilion from 26-28 August, 2012.

Jewellery World publisher, John Abolins, was contacted for comment but at the time of publication had not responded.

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