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Articles from PEARL JEWELLERY (380 Articles), PEARLS - LOOSE WHITE SOUTH SEA (16 Articles)

James Brown, managing director of Pearls of Australia went into partnership with Australian company Everledger to create a program for pearl provenance. <b>Image:</b> Colin Murty / The Australian
James Brown, managing director of Pearls of Australia went into partnership with Australian company Everledger to create a program for pearl provenance. Image: Colin Murty / The Australian

New blockchain platform can track pearl provenance and ownership

Pearls of Australia has announced a “world first” blockchain authentication platform to track the provenance and ownership of its Cygnet Bay pearls.

Provenance Proof is a blockchain platform - in partnership with digital company Everledger - which can determine the origin and track ownership of pearls from source to market using non-invasive and immutable blockchain digital technology.

James Brown, Pearls of Australia
James Brown, Pearls of Australia
“I am convinced it will become part of the pearling industry. And I genuinely hope it’s our collaboration that gets it through”
James Brown, Pearls of Australia

James Brown, managing director, Pearls of Australia explained that customers are increasingly aware of the visible attributes of pearls such as size, shape, colour, lustre and surface, however; he believes new attributes are emerging as highly valuable to consumers.

These include transparency around the origin, details of the supply channel from the pearl oyster at the farm to market; the disclosure of any treatment or enhancement, the sustainability and ethical practices of suppliers in the sales channel, and the opportunity to transfer ownership for generations to come.

The company has begun a pilot program with a selection of premium and unique pearls capturing details of visible and invisible pearl attributes using the Provenance Proof digital platform.

» Background reading: Pearls explained

This platform records information using blockchain technology which enables jewellery retailers and end consumers to have a permanent and immutable digital record of the unique data and events, supported by a Statement of Provenance. This unique data is made accessible from a mobile phone or a computer.

The pearls are digitally scanned using high-quality images and precision-based descriptors are collected and stored in a digital dossier, rather than microscopic etching, or code tagging, that require physical contact and apply pressure to the pearl’s surface.

The digitised data is then collected into a digital dossier for each pearl and uploaded in the blockchain platform.

Brown told The Australian that adapting blockchain technology will appeal to today’s conscious consumers.

“Pearls should go into families, stay with them and be handed down through their family and really become their story,” Brown said, noting that blockchain technology as an add-on service “is obviously a really big win.”

Leanne Kemp, founder and CEO Everledger
Leanne Kemp, founder and CEO Everledger
“This conscious consumer often asks the question of themselves, but it isn’t necessarily verbalised: Where does it come from? What is the truthful story of this object?”
Leanne Kemp, Everledger (via The Australian)

“I am convinced it will become part of the pearling industry. And I genuinely hope it’s our collaboration that gets it through,” as he explained that previously there was no way to track Broome pearls through the supply chain unless a consumer or jeweller is "lucky enough to buy direct from the farm.”

» Background reading: Tidal shifts in the pearl sector

Everledger founder, Leanne Kemp, said it aims to 'layer in' the “environmental, social and governance sustainability development goals and greenhouse gas emissions calculations” aside from determining the provenance and traceability of the pearls.

“We successfully pioneered diamond and gemstone traceability a few years ago and waited for the right visionary partner to dive into the world of pearls. Where diamonds needed to counter conflict and human rights issues, pearls needed a platform to share their unique journey of harmonious collaboration between man and living nature.

There are exciting plans ahead, including how we ensure the positive impact of pearling is captured and shared. We are delighted to be working together with Pearls of Australia to bring these important stories of origin and authenticity to life,” Kemp explained.

The pioneering blockchain service started in 2015 and creates secure databases of where and by whom a pearl, diamond or gemstone has been handled to help develop a clear supply chain that both retailers and consumers can access.



More reading
Australian-led start-up launches new blockchain platform
Pearls of Wisdom: tidal shifts in the sector
Waves of change: diving into the pearl sector
Pearls explained

Mark McAskill Jewellery

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