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Since we can’t always avoid negative emotions, we should instead learn to embrace them.
Since we can’t always avoid negative emotions, we should instead learn to embrace them.

Channeling frustration into positive results

Running a business can be frustrating and negativity creeps up on the best of us at times. PAUL KEIJZER shares tactics to keep negativity from becoming overwhelming, and even turning it into positive results.

We’ve all faced frustration every now and then at work. When you’re passionate about what you do certain negatives can agitate us. That’s certainly true in the world of retail. 

The reaction to this is generally anger and frustration, both of which we try to avoid, but sometimes it’s inevitable.

Sure, the books you read will tell you about how to stay positive, think positive, act positive and bring positivity into your lives to be happy and as a result, find success. But how possible is it to always be positive?

Since we can’t always avoid negative emotions, we should learn to embrace them, and channel our frustrations into achieving something good.

At first, I’m sure this all sounds like fiction. When you’re angry and frustrated, being positive is the last thing on your mind.Most times you just want to give whoever is standing in front of you a piece of your mind.

The next time you find yourself in a tricky situation, consider utilising one of the following techniques.

Walking away

Try to be mindful of the idea that as much as you’re frustrated by customers and situations, customers themselves can equally be frustrated by you or other members of staff in similar situations.

“They say you should love what you do. If you’re already passionate about your business, that’s a great start. If you’re not – ask yourself why? Try and find changes you can make that address any negative feelings you have towards working.”

In a way, I’m saying you could allow them the benefit of the doubt.
Instead of reacting in a manner that could seriously damage a business relationship, try walking away from the situation.

You can still salvage things by doing this, rather than causing long-term damage to potential sales.

By walking away you’re giving yourself time to think things over.

Often, we look back at a bad situation and upon reflection, we think of all the things we could have said but didn’t. When you’re frustrated this is one of those moments.

Don’t allow yourself to stumble on this avoidable pitfall.

Start the day right

I’m a firm believer of starting mornings early, energised and pumped up for the challenges ahead. And that’s certainly something to pursue if you own a retail business.

I usually wake up in high spirits and look forward to the day ahead.

It may not always end up being a smooth and happy day, however, my mornings are almost always starting off on a positive note.

So should yours!

They say you should love what you do. If you’re already passionate about your business, that’s a great start. If you’re not – ask yourself why?

Try to find changes you can make that address any negative feelings you have towards working.

Another important factor in a strong morning mindset is how you go about your morning. Shake things up!

Break routine here and there, in minor ways, to keep things fresh. Make your mornings less dull and instead be livelier.

Make sure you arrive at work with the right mindset.

Choose your battles

Sometimes we overlook basic wisdom like ‘don’t cry over spilled milk’. Being frustrated over something you have no control over is just like this saying. It’s pointless, needless, and can’t be undone.

The only thing that can be done is to assess the damage, mitigate risks, learn from the experience, and make corrections to avoid similar situations in the future.

To address the things that frustrate you, which you have no control over, there can be a different approach.

Don’t be hasty and quick to react. Assess, and weigh your options.

The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California Berkeley conducted research that found that “feeling angry increases optimism, creativity, effective performance” and that “expressing anger can lead to more successful negotiations.”

There is optimism to be found in frustrations if you channel it wisely.

Sometimes the best way to manage your frustrations is to lose a few battles just so you can have your say and win the war.

The reaction to frustrations can be ugly at times. The last thing you want is for your staff to see your dark side.

Don’t allow them to have this one-up over you. Remain calm, collected, and composed.

Being angry and frustrated isn’t always a bad thing.

It’s how you channel your frustrations and use it to your benefit and advantage that counts.


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Paul Keijzer

Contributor • Engage Consulting

Paul Keijzer is CEO of Engage Consulting, which is focused on helping CEOs transform top teams, talent and organisations. Learn more:


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