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In today’s increasingly digital day and age, it’s important to remember that we’re still human – we haven’t turned into robots yet!
In today’s increasingly digital day and age, it’s important to remember that we’re still human – we haven’t turned into robots yet!

From pixels to products: Rediscover the people behind your business

In business, it’s important to spend your time wisely. STEFANIE WERNEKINCK encourages you to escape the grind for a few days.

In today’s increasingly digital day and age, it’s important to remember that we’re still human – we haven’t turned into robots yet!

The Sydney Fair is just a few short weeks away, and it’s an opportunity to remember that behind every business are people who think, feel, see and touch.

It’s only when we step away from behind our desks and escape ‘the grind’ for a few days for an event like the Sydney Fair that we get a chance to activate all those senses and grow professionally.

It’s a space where you can make informed decisions about the direction of your business, and if you’re fortunate, reflect on the bigger picture.

What are you trying to achieve with your business? Is it about paying the bills and making ends meet, or is it something more than that?

Jewellery fairs offer networking that is incredibly valuable for the knowledge and insight that guides your business.

It’s a chance to learn from people facing the same issues and challenges you are, and from their experiences, you can navigate your business to calmer waters.

The COVID-19 pandemic dramatically altered how businesses function, with an increased focus on digital communication.

Conversations and conferences once held face-to-face were relegated to phone calls and Zoom meetings.

Many businesses have maintained these practices despite the conclusion of the pandemic, often justifiably so.

However, jewellery fairs are a timely reminder that you can accomplish so much when standing directly opposite another person.

I’m sure many people reading this are familiar with the frustrations of digital communications. What should be a simple back-and-forth email turns into a week-long slog because even the most articulate people sometimes struggle to get the right point across via text.

It’s an opportunity to speak directly because your conversations are reinforced with body language.

You can ask a question in an email and even over the phone, and there’s always the chance it comes across the wrong way.

"What are you trying to achieve with your business? Is it about paying the bills and making ends meet, or is it something more than that?"

When you’re sitting directly across the table from someone, those issues are minimised because the intention is easily understood.

In the same regard, jewellery fairs are excellent opportunities for problem-solving. Retailers and suppliers can ask questions and receive immediate answers.

Those sorts of ‘troubleshooting’ exercises quickly build rapport and are fantastic stepping stones in building any successful long-term business relationship.

In the same regard, industry events are an opportunity to gauge the sincerity of the people you may or may not be working with.

Attending an event like the Sydney Fair is an investment from suppliers and retailers, demonstrating commitment by volunteering their time and money to be there.

Said another way, the people you’re dealing with believe in their business and want it to have a presence in the broader industry.

From a retail perspective, visitors are searching for a high level of professionalism and service from exhibiting suppliers.

Standing face-to-face with a company's CEO or managing director is a great way to measure sincerity, and you’ll find these people operating stands, ready for a chat.

Just as jewellery fairs offer you a chance to ask yourself big questions about the direction of your business, you can ask these questions of suppliers.

Finding out why they’re in the industry and what they’re passionate about can build irreplaceable trust and rapport. 

Time is such a valuable commodity for business owners, and when you’re dealing with people face-to-face on a trade show floor, you can achieve so much in just a few short days.

For retailers, planning for the busy period at the end of the year can be completed in a few short hours, with hundreds of products at your fingertips ready for careful consideration.

Seeing everything on offer and leaving with a strategy for the most critical time of the year is a weight off your shoulders.

When it comes to the products themselves, you can obtain a level of confidence that can’t be achieved through a computer screen.

You can hold that watch or jewellery in your hand and truly appreciate its craftsmanship.

Examining the colours, intricate details, and overall design allows you to make a first-hand assessment of the quality and appeal of the product.

It’s an experience that provides crucial insights into your business that are impossible to replicate through photos and descriptions alone.

So, for a few short days, close the computer, put down your phone, and step away from behind your desk!

The value of human interaction is often overlooked in today’s digital age; however, it’s essential for improving relationships and developing a deeper understanding of your business.

Instant communication with a few quick taps of a keyboard or phone is a great tool; however, it’s also fraught with misunderstanding and ineffectiveness and can’t replace the clarity you experience when you speak face-to-face with another person.

Name: Stef Wernekinck
Business: German Cuckoo Clock Nest
Position: Managing Director
Location: Queensland
Years in the industry: 25



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