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Now Showing: Deep dive inside a watchmaker’s private collection; a walking tour of London’s lapidaries; and a gold mining trip in Papua New Guinea

Take a few moments to enjoy Jeweller's Friday Flicks video selection including updates on current affairs and insights into the jewellery trade. This week, let's deep dive inside a watchmaker’s private collection, experience a walking tour of London’s lapidaries, and explore a gold mining trip in Papua New Guinea.

Deep dive: Inside a watchmaker’s private collection

By Chrono24  |  Length 24:24


A walking tour of London’s lapidaries

By Justin K Prim |  Length 45:43


Jade Hunting: How to identify and test jade

By  Dan Hurd  |  Length 24:01


Repairing a stunning Rolex President

By  A Watch Diary  |  Length 17:44


Papua New Guinea: Follow a gold mining trip

By Utmost Outdoors   Length 50:01




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