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Now Showing: Visiting the world’s largest gemstone and jewellery exhibition; inside Turkey’s illegal replica industry; and how to set up dual-band polishing lap with scoring

Take a few moments to enjoy Jeweller's Friday Flicks video selection including updates on current affairs and insights into the jewellery trade. This week, let's visit the world’s largest gemstone and jewellery exhibition, explore inside Turkey’s illegal replica industry, and learn how to set up dual-band polishing lap with scoring.

A day at work with a gold prospector

By Tyler's Gold Rush  |  Length 04:34


Beating the unrelenting inclusions in this rough opal

By Black Opal Direct |  Length 09:34


Visiting the world’s largest gemstone and jewellery exhibition

By  The Gem Expert  |  Length 01:25:34


How to set up dual-band polishing lap with scoring

By  Justin K Prim  |  Length 29:28


Inside Turkey’s illegal replica industry

By Arab   Length 19:20




Athan Wholesale Jewellers

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