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As the National Gallery of Victoria’s ‘Pharoah’ exhibition comes to a close, the showcasing of ancient Egyptian jewellery has proven particularly popular among visitors. | Source: The British Museum
As the National Gallery of Victoria’s ‘Pharoah’ exhibition comes to a close, the showcasing of ancient Egyptian jewellery has proven particularly popular among visitors. | Source: The British Museum

Time machine: Aussies in love with ancient Egyptian jewellery

As the National Gallery of Victoria’s ‘Pharoah’ exhibition comes to a close, the showcasing of ancient Egyptian jewellery has proven particularly popular among visitors.

The 2024 Winter Masterpieces exhibition has been highlighted by more than 500 pieces on loan from the British Museum.

The collection includes more than 180 pieces of jewellery, including necklaces, collars, rings, and girdles made with gold and featuring gemstones.

In an interview with the Herald Sun, British Museum curator Dr Marie Vandenbeusch said the jewellery section of Pharaoh was developed “in collaboration with the NGV, for the NGV”.

Sasha Grishin of the Australian National University said it was the greatest exhibition of ancient Egyptian art ever seen in Australia.

“What intrigued me were some of the more intimate, immensely elaborate jewellery-like pieces that served as seals, rings, plaques, amulets, pendants, beads and earrings,” he writes for The Conversation.

“While one may be seduced by the ornamental design, the exquisite craftsmanship and precious materials, there is also something ethereal about these objects of beauty.

“They were intended to ward off evil spirits and beg for their owner’s smooth transition into eternal life, where the person could experience life in their present form but free of pain, illness or hardship.”

The exhibition was opened in June and closes on 6 October (Sunday).




More reading
The more things change, the more they stay the same
Legendary jewellery of the Pharaohs arrives in Australia
History in the making: Australia to showcase Ancient Egyptian jewellery
Ancient gold necklace to be returned to Turkey
4,000 years later: Ancient jewellery unveiled in Scotland
Time travel: Bronze Age jewellery discovered in Europe


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