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Tips on Selling, Business

Customer service and customer loyalty go beyond how customers are treated in one-off encounters.
Customer service and customer loyalty go beyond how customers are treated in one-off encounters.

How is your business building customer loyalty?

Will you play the long game with your customers? SUE COCKBURN argues that quality customer service is a marathon, not a sprint.

Some time ago, I was captivated by an article on Nimble about building customer loyalty.

The article by Ross Keating was titled ‘How To Build Customer Loyalty And Increase Revenue.’ This statistic caught my eye: 67 per cent of people cease trading with a business because of perceived indifference.

The author’s take on this statistic was that “they [customers] did not know if the business loved them or not!”

While the statistic is from 2004, it still rings true. Mr. Keating’s interpretation of the statistic fits with the oft-quoted maxim, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.”

In business, customer service isn’t the only thing that matters. Quality, value, pricing, availability, accuracy, location, meeting deadlines, keeping promises, usefulness, and a myriad of other things are important to customers. And, in truth, these are all a part of customer service! Customer service is about how we ‘treat’ our customers… and so much more!

If most of us have a choice between two products or services that are pretty much equal in all respects, we are more likely to choose to do business with the individual or organisation that provides and is known for great customer service.

Excellent customer service is much more than a smile! It includes everything about the products and services we are buying as well as how we are treated.

Certainly, pricing and all the other details are important; however, how we are treated is equally important. Most of us won’t trade one for the other, for instance, lower pricing but rude service. Some may, but many won’t.

With that said, customer service and customer loyalty go beyond how customers are treated in one-off encounters. If we really want to build a loyal customer base it requires taking care of the immediate needs of customers as well as staying on their radar long term.

Paying attention

For businesses that may only deal with a customer a few times a year, such as a jewellery store, delivering good service face-to-face is not enough to build customer loyalty.

"If we really want to build a loyal customer base it requires taking care of the immediate needs of customers as well as staying on their radar long term."

We must find ways to stay top of mind so that when our customers need our services again, they will think of us.

This is where tools like social media, e-newsletters, cards for special occasions, annual phone calls, and loyalty programs come into play.

These can help us stay on the radar, reminding them that we value them and haven’t forgotten about them, even when we don’t interact face-to-face or by phone that often.

Long term commitment

When my husband and I bought our first house, the real estate agent I contacted was someone I had known for years. She had been a friend at one time; however, as the years went by, our lives went in entirely different directions, and our friendship waned.

But, with her realtor-friend hat on, each year, she phoned me and sent me a calendar with her image and contact details.

The phone calls were usually brief and sometimes awkward; however, they reminded me she was ‘out there,’ as did the desk calendar she provided yearly.

When it came to buying a home, she was the first person I thought of – even though her service area was in a completely different location from where we were buying.

I didn’t contact her because she had stayed in touch over the years. I also knew she was a top realtor and good at her job. With that said, I would have forgotten about her if she hadn’t tried to stay in touch with me throughout the years.

On the flip side is the realtor who sold us the house my husband and I live in. She gave us a lovely gift the day we moved into our home.

We haven’t heard from her since. In fact, as I write this article, I can’t recall her name! What are the chances of us contacting her if we ever decide to sell our home? Slim to none!

Closing remarks

Realtors aren’t the only ones that need to keep their name in front of their customers. Those of us in business need to pay attention to our customers and find ways to remain on their radar positively. Even if they may only need what we have to offer infrequently.

If we don’t show an interest in having them as customers, someone else will. Or they’ll forget about us and actively look for someone else who wants their business.

Taking good care of our customers when we do business with them today is critically important. It can make the difference between a good reputation and a not-so-good reputation.

But, if we hope to have customers return to us in the future or even think about referring others to us over the years, we must make sure they know we value them as customers and look forward to helping them again in the future, not just today.



Sue Cockburn

Contributor • Growing Social Biz

Sue Cockburn is founder of Growing Social Biz, a website and social media services provider for micro and small businesses. Visit:


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