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In a world where online reviews wield significant influence and have become necessary in decision-making, understanding the nuances of this digital landscape is crucial for businesses and consumers alike.
In a world where online reviews wield significant influence and have become necessary in decision-making, understanding the nuances of this digital landscape is crucial for businesses and consumers alike.

The consequences of leaving a bad review

Word of mouth spreads faster than ever for today’s retailers. SIMON DELL outlines the impact negative reviews have on businesses.

In the age of digital communication, online reviews have become a powerful tool for consumers to share their experiences and influence the decision-making of other customers, which can, in turn, lead to the success or demise of businesses.

While leaving a bad review can be a way to voice dissatisfaction, it’s crucial to understand that there are consequences for reviewers and the businesses they are critiquing.

In this article, we’ll explore real-world examples of where bad reviews have backfired and guide how businesses can effectively respond to negative feedback.

A plastic surgeon and his wife thought they could get the upper hand by pretending to be a patient who left a review about how they were sexually assaulted by a competing plastic surgeon on the Gold Coast.

In writing the false review, the couple were on a mission to “cause Dr Colagrande the most possible harm by inducing readers to believe that the sexual assault had occurred”.

The action led to a defamation suit against the couple - who were slapped with $450,000 in damages to be paid to their ‘fellow’ surgeon.

It shows that keeping track of your business reviews is important, especially when malicious comments like the one exhibited above occur.

Another enlightening example is when an unsatisfied customer ordered a takeaway meal with the expectation that it would be available two days later.

This is an unrealistic expectation and one that probably deserves to be mocked and laughed at.

Instead of lashing out at this foolishness, the restaurant owner politely responded to the customer, rationalising the issue in a way that would make total sense to most readers.

As a result, the reviewer’s credibility and common sense were diminished. The restaurant handled the situation professionally, building its reputation as a food provider.

I once read a story about a displeased potential house buyer attending a Plum Property auction who decided to leave a negative Google review highlighting their frustration at the number of other bidders she had to compete with.

Plum Property decided to plaster the review on billboards around Brisbane instead of responding to it directly.

This masterstroke of advertising made the customer look like a fool. It showed potential house sellers that Plum Property generates excellent buyer interest for house auctions and isn’t afraid to have a little fun along the way!

How should you respond?
"It shows that keeping track of your business reviews is important, especially when malicious comments like the one exhibited above occur."

As we can see, receiving a negative review that isn’t actually ‘bad’ can be a scary, frustrating moment for any business owner, even those who have established themselves as reputable online. How a business responds to a wrongful negative review can make a huge difference for other reviewers scanning your product or service for potential purchases.

Here are several ways to address a negative review so that you can maintain your brand image and not unintentionally miss out on future sales:

Stay calm: Respond to the review with professionalism and empathy. Avoid engaging in heated arguments or personal attacks; instead, present the facts.

Investigate: Assess whether the reviewer’s claims are true and address valid concerns promptly.

If the reviewer was wrong, show other readers why. If they were correct in their review, prove how you addressed the issue and how you are striving to be better.

Respond publicly: Respond publicly to the review, addressing the issues raised, apologising if necessary, and offering solutions.

Communicate privately: To resolve the matter more thoroughly, consider taking the conversation offline with a private message or email. This allows you to maintain the customer’s privacy and loyalty.

Consult the platform: Companies such as Google and Yelp offer options for businesses that feel they have been unfairly criticised online. They often scrub reviews that contain offensive language levelled at small businesses.

Legal avenues: If attempts to contact a platform prove unsuccessful, and in cases where the reviewer’s identity remains undisclosed, small businesses may explore preliminary discovery.

This involves filing a court application based on the belief that there is a prima facie cause of action, such as defamation, but the proper respondent is unknown.

Subsequently, the business can send a ‘concerns notice’ to the party responsible for publishing the false review, allowing them to apologise, retract, or remove the post.

The last recourse is to file a defamation action against the reviewer. Be warned, however, that this can be a lengthy and expensive process.

Ultimately, in a world where online reviews wield significant influence and have become necessary in decision-making, understanding the nuances of this digital landscape is crucial for businesses and consumers alike.



Simon Dell

Contributor • CEO of Cemoh

Simon Dell is co-founder and CEO of Cemoh, a Brisbane-based firm that provides marketing staff on demand. He specialises in digital marketing and brand management. Visit:

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