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Anglo American’s CEO has confirmed that the company still intends to sell the De Beers Group, the world’s largest diamond producer. | Source: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg
Anglo American’s CEO has confirmed that the company still intends to sell the De Beers Group, the world’s largest diamond producer. | Source: Ian Waldie/Bloomberg

Anglo American optimistic about plans for De Beers sale

Anglo American’s CEO has confirmed that the company still intends to sell the De Beers Group, the world’s largest diamond producer.

Earlier this year, the international jewellery industry was stunned when it was revealed that De Beers was available for purchase. Australia’s BHP Group Limited tendered three proposals; however, they were rejected.

As reported by MiningMX, Duncan Wanbald said the recovery in the diamond market depended on China during an address at the Financial Times Mining Summit in London.

“The plan is to get it done. There is no way De Beers is a fit in the [Anglo American] portfolio. There is no flip-flop possibility,” he said.

“[China’s] long-awaited stimulus makes me a little more optimistic that this will be less complicated than it might have been.”

Wanbald suggested that if the diamond market doesn’t recover quickly, the sale of De Beers may extend beyond the next two years. The company plans to finalise a sale before the end of 2025.

More reading
Does anything truly last forever?
A leap in the dark: Where will the diamond industry be in 12 months?
The world’s largest diamond producer may be for sale
US Sanctions revised as battle against Russian diamonds continues
Oversupply issues: De Beers alters sales schedule
Diamond industry seeking long-term solution to demand woes
Diamond industry leader happy to play the long game
Diamond sanctions: Russia searches for new partnerships



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