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In recent weeks, Jeweller was made aware of a new online jewellery retailer with which it appeared that there was more than meets the eye with an otherwise unassuming business.
In recent weeks, Jeweller was made aware of a new online jewellery retailer with which it appeared that there was more than meets the eye with an otherwise unassuming business.

Mystery surrounds new jewellery website

In recent weeks, Jeweller was made aware of a new online jewellery retailer with which it appeared that there was more than meets the eye with an otherwise unassuming business.

The Dream Collection showcases a range of jewellery – rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings, and necklaces – with retail prices ranging between $14 and $1,199.

The website states: “Introducing The Dream Collection Jewellery — Australia's freshest online jewellery store, designed exclusively for the bold, adventurous shopper.”

The retailer offers “a stunning collection of accessories that blend vibrant style, sustainability, and affordability, making it easy for young Australians to express their individuality.”

Other similar marketing claims are made about the company’s products on the website; however, the ‘About Us’ page is sparse with detail.

The only notable information on this page is as follows: “The Dream Collection is a proud division of the [sic] The Dream Collection Group Ltd.”

A search of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) reveals no record of any registered company or business under that title with the corporate regulator.

Perhaps the only notable ‘clue’ on the website is the Terms and Conditions page, which refers to the laws of New South Wales.

In other words, the website offers consumers very little information about whom they’re dealing with – not even an email address or phone number.

Unraveling the mystery

In the bottom right-hand corner, The Dream Collection’s website links to four social media platforms - Facebook, TikTok, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Although the website – where all transactions and payments would take place – does not offer consumers an email address and/or phone number, the Facebook page for the business does. That account was created on 9 October 2024.

The TikTok account linked on the website does not exist and the Pinterest account is otherwise unremarkable. These social media accounts are similar to the website in that they do not disclose who owns The Dream Collection.

However, it is here where the mystery starts to become clear!

"In other words, the website offers consumers very little information about whom they’re dealing with – not even an email address or phone number."

The Instagram account offers surprising insight into the background of the business and who is behind The Dream Collection. For example, an early post reveals that the business was launched on 27 November 2024.

The account has just 15 followers, which is not unusual for a business that has only been in operation for a few months; however, what is surprising is what these followers have in common.

Of the 15 accounts following The Dream Collection, at least 12 appear to be employees of Leading Edge Group.

While this may be ‘circumstantial’ evidence, further investigation reveals that Leading Edge Group Limited (ABN 68 093 019 213) registered the website (, listing itself as an "Incorporated Association".

While the Australian Business Register confirms that this Australian Business Number belongs to Leading Edge Group Limited, The Dream Collection is not listed as a business name or company, individually or as part of Leading Edge Group.

This is also true for The Dream Collection Group Limited, which is referenced on the website’s About Us’ page as the owner of the business.

Another change in the business model?

While this information confirms that Leading Edge Group is responsible for The Dream Collection, it doesn’t explain why the former buying group has seemingly repositioned itself as an online jewellery retailer.

Leading Edge Group was once the Australian jewellery industry’s third buying group. At its peak in 2018, it represented 135 members and 195 stores.

Membership began to plummet around the time of the establishment of a fourth retail buying group – Independent Jewellers Collective – in 2020.

In the years that followed, Leading Edge Group launched two wholesale jewellery businesses – Troy Australia in 2021 and Diamond Republic in 2023. They effectively competed with the group’s preferred suppliers, which were expected to offer member discounts.

These businesses began selling to retailers that are not Leading Edge Group members, indicating that the buying group had moved into wholesaling to the broader retail channel. Unsurprisingly, the group’s preferred suppliers were displeased.

As part of the Jeweller’s 2024 State of the Industry Report, repeated requests for an updated membership list were made; however, Leading Edge Group declined the opportunity to provide this information. Given that the group had previously provided this information without issue over the past decade, this was an unusual change. 

"This would suggest that in the past four years, Leading Edge Group has positioned itself as a competitor against suppliers and retailers, including those who previously supported the group."

Jeweller estimated that the group represented around 20 members at the time of the report.

Due to the sharp decline in membership and the move into wholesaling, this publication informed Leading Edge Group that it would no longer be considered a member-based retail jewellery buying group.

The launch of an online jewellery retail business – The Dream Collection – would seem to indicate another change in the business model for Leading Edge Group.

Furthermore, it appears that this new direct-to-consumer business means that Leading Edge Group is now competing against all jewellery retailers in Australia.

This would suggest that in the past four years, Leading Edge Group has positioned itself as a competitor against suppliers and retailers, including industry suppliers and jewellery stores that had previously supported the buying group.

This may explain why The Dream Collection website is sparse on details concerning the origins and ownership of the business.

Jeweller contacted CEO Charlie Davey requesting information about the background of The Dream Collection.

Davey was also asked to explain the reasons why the former buying group has entered the direct-to-consumer jewellery market; however, he has not responded to these requests at the time of publication.

More reading
Leading Edge’s shambles: $9.9 million in losses as membership plummets
Jewellery Buying Groups: Musical Chairs
2023 Buying Groups Report: Numbers Rule the Jewellery Universe
Buying Groups Report 2020: Strength in Numbers



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