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The first meeting of young people in the Australian jewellery industry has been finalised to coincide with the International Jewellery Fair in Sydney this month. | Source: Vista Create
The first meeting of young people in the Australian jewellery industry has been finalised to coincide with the International Jewellery Fair in Sydney this month. | Source: Vista Create

Young jewellers set to meet and greet

The first meeting of young people in the Australian jewellery industry has been finalised to coincide with the International Jewellery Fair in Sydney this month.

The meeting comes after Jeweller editor, Coleby Nicholson called for young people to unite under an informal group called Young Jewellers Australia (YJA).

The first meeting is scheduled for 3pm, Monday August 29 at the Sydney trade fair and fair organiser, Expertise Events, has offered to host a cocktail party.

“We have regularly sponsored the Apprentice of the Year Award for the JAA Jewellery Design Awards, as an industry it’s imperative that we promote and nurture young talent at all levels, from jewellery design and manufacturing to retailers and suppliers,” Expertise Events managing director Gary Fitz-Roy said.

Ewen Ryley, Co-Founder and Director at Jewellers Collective
Ewen Ryley, Co-Founder and Director at Jewellers Collective
"Even though the Young Jewellers Group Facebook page is new, members have already been posting pictures, links and details about competitions. It seems to be a great success so far."
Ewan Ryley, Young Jewellers

Since first calling for a new group in April, over 50 people contacted Jeweller’s editor, Coleby Nicholson, offering to be involved in, or to help start YJA.

“The exciting thing is that I’ve been contacted by eight Kiwis who will be coming over from New Zealand for the first meeting, so the new group could begin as YJANZ ,” Nicholson said.

Ewan Ryley and Brett Low, two young bench jewellers have already created a Facebook page to start the ball rolling. With 47 members, the Facebook page states, “A recent story in Jeweller magazine has put a call-out for young jewellers to get together and form a group. This group [Facebook page] was formed to see how much interest we could get and to gather ideas of what we want and need out of such a group. Show your support here!! We are the future of this trade!”

“Even though the Young Jewellers Group Facebook page is new, members have already been posting pictures, links and details about competitions. It seems to be a great success so far. There are young jewellers (up to the age of 35, I believe) from all over Australia, from as far as Perth,” Ryley explained.

Brett Low and Ewen Ryley
Brett Low and Ewen Ryley

Ryley, who works as a bench jeweller at Brisbane-based Stephen Dibb Jewellery emphasised the need for the Young Jewellers Group to reflect the whole industry, not just bench jewellers.

“We have gathered information from numerous suppliers, retailers and experienced jewellers [tradespeople]. A lot of people are saying that it’s about time something like this started,” he said.

Nicholson said he has also been contacted by a number of ‘older’ people who have offered to help the group get off the ground. “One jewellery retailer emailed me saying, “I’m 75-years young can I join?” Nicholson said.

More information:
If you would like to join YJA or attend the first meeting, click here.


More reading:
Age and experience
Call for young jewellers to unite
JAA introduces networking groups
Young jewellers set to meet and greet
Sydney fair brings young jewellers together
Young Jewellers get dedicated website
A group to unite – not divide
Jeweller Magazine's Facebook page



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