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Articles from INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS (263 Articles)

The new award will recognise a member's significant contribution to the industry
The new award will recognise a member's significant contribution to the industry

New award, industry’s ‘highest honour’

The Jewellers Association of Australia is seeking nominations for a new award that has been described as being the “highest honour” given to an industry member.
Selwyn Brandt, JAA president
Selwyn Brandt, JAA president

The Lifetime Achievement Award will be awarded biennially to an industry-nominated Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) member who has promoted industry excellence over a substantial period of time.

JAA president Selwyn Brandt said the new award would recognise a member’s significant contributions to the advancement and improvement of the jewellery industry.

“Essentially what we’re trying to do is acknowledge people who have contributed significantly to the industry – those who have given their time and made a difference,” he explained. “This is in recognition of their achievement, not just in their own right as business people but also in terms of their contribution to the jewellery industry as a whole.”

The JAA has stipulated that nominated members must have exhibited “outstanding leadership or sustained contributions to the industry, [and] possess exceptional personal integrity and highest standards”. They must also have held a JAA membership for at least 10 or more consecutive years and be willing to serve as a role model to peers.

Commenting on this last point, Brandt said, “Most industry associations – the JAA in particular – survive through the generosity of volunteers. People give of their time and expertise willingly, and some of them put in a great deal of effort. This award could perhaps set an example, particularly for younger people, to step up and become proactive, so that we can all benefit from an improved industry.”

The award will be presented in conjunction with the JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards, with the winner – who will be selected by a specially formed committee of JAA board members – to be announced on 1 September during the awards presentation evening.

“By combining both ceremonies we will be drawing our industry together and recognising the best of the best,” Brandt said. “I encourage the entire industry to get behind the awards that will showcase the Australian jewellery industry as one of the best in the world by promoting best practice, excellence and integrity.”

Nominations close on Monday 28 July.

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