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Ronnie Bauer
Ronnie Bauer

Our industry council

The Australian Jewellery and Gemstone Industry Council is an important body that gives a political voice to all areas of the jewellery trade – and everyone can get involved. RONNIE BAUER explains.

The Australian Jewellery and Gemstone Industry Council is where all the national associations – including the Jewellers Association of Australia, Gemmological Association of Australia, National Council of Jewellery Valuers, Opal Miner Association, Gold and Silversmiths Guild, Diamond Guild, Diamond Club of Australia and Lighting Ridge Miners Association – meet to discuss issues that affect the entire gem and jewellery industry.

It is also the industry’s window to government and the statutory bodies. Important successful outcomes of the AJGIC to date include the internationally-accepted opal nomenclature, and the re-introduction of the precious metals standards in Australia.

The AJGIC was founded in 1991. By the late 1990s, the Council was considered to have become “opal heavy” and lost its broad status to the point that other national bodies, notably the JAA, questioned the AJGIC’s relevance.

The turning point came at the APEC conference in Melbourne in 2000. The Precious Metal Standards had lapsed in Australia and this had the potential to  undermine the confidence of the whole jewellery industry.

I gave a keynote address about this issue at that APEC conference and learned that Kevin Hitchins of the Gold and Silversmiths Guild had also been working very hard to get the standards reinstated. We both agreed that if we used the clout of the AJGIC, maybe something could get done. At about the same time Terry Coldham of Sapphex Gems took over the chairmanship of the AJGIC. He was determined to re-invent the forum.

What Terry achieved in his term as chairman cannot be understated. Under his leadership, the AJGIC moved from being a special-interest group to again being a prominent industry body.

The support that the AJGIC achieved from the entire industry for the Precious Metals Standards shows what can be achieved if the industry puts its minds to it.

Through the AJGIC, we were able to make Standards Australia realise the importance of the Precious Metals Standard and get them re-adopted within just two years. Other issues of importance to the industry that should be under the authority of the AJGIC are:

The licensing of registered valuers
One of the fundamental reasons why the NCJV was established was to bring about licensing of valuers. At present, anybody can, and regrettably does, issue valuations whether qualified or not. The NCJV membership base is small because few are prepared to undertake the long journey to become a NCJV registered valuer.

As a result, when the NJCV lobbies government, they can only speak for the few, not the many. Through the AJGIC, they would be able to table submissions or make representation with the support of the entire industry.

Educational feedback for the GAA
At present, the GAA is evaluating its future directions. What is the relevance or necessity of accreditation? What courses should it offer and how does it deliver them? Valuable feedback on these and other educational issues can be provided by the AJGIC, allowing the GAA to reach other areas of the industry.

The push for a Grand Prix design event
At present, there are many design and jewellery making awards. What the industry needs, however, is a grand prix event. An event that is high-profile gets the big media splash, awards substantial prize money and has a consumer profile as well. The AJGIC is the perfect platform for such an event.

The AJGIC is currently rewriting its charter. Its aims are focused on international and national issues with membership open to all the national bodies that represent the gem and jewellery industry.

It is envisaged that the presidency will rotate between all the national bodies so as to de-politicise that position. It will have a permanent secretariat and the forum will meet when needed.

Everybody in the industry who is a member of one of the aforementioned national bodies is already involved with the AJGIC so I urge them to come to the meetings. If a jeweller has an issue that they feel requires attention, they should notify their national association committee who will put the issue on the agenda for one of the quarterly AJGIC meetings


Name: Ronnie Bauer
Company: Klepner’s Jewellers and Bauer Gemmological Laboratory
Position: Director
Qualifications: RA, Macc., BA (media), Postgrad Bus.Admin., FGAA, Dip. DT, Registered Valuer 155.
Years in the industry: 31

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