Every page was filled with sales tips including commonsense recommendations for retailers. Quickly scanning through the pages and chapters I found myself astounded at how relevant the information was in today's fickle retail climate.
Then, flipping to the inside front cover, I found myself bursting into laughter. Why?
Well the books were published in 1936!
You see, I was in a secondhand bookshop in a small country town, and I discovered these timeless sales secrets, forgotten under a large pile of old, dusty books.
I quickly realised how business advice from more than 70 years ago could stand the test of time.
That point was on my mind when we decided to publish The Very Best Of Jeweller - business and management advice that stands the test of time.
Having decided to publish a “Best Of” and going back through our ten-year archive, I suddenly realised how difficult it was to sift through and curate the very best of Jeweller, especially considering most stories could be re-published today – word for word – and still be relevant to your business.
Most of the stories in this special edition will help you re-assess your business practices and all will inspire you to consider the next decade with greater insight helping you realise that the secrets to business success never really change.
Who knows … 70 years from now someone could find themselves standing in a dusty old bookshop picking up a copy of The Very Best Of Jeweller only to find themselves chuckling at how timeless the advice is!
You will want The Very Best Of Jeweller, and with 2015 around the corner, we know you'll need the 2015 Suppliers Directory.
Let's get ready to make next year a great one!
Coleby Nicholson