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Articles from INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS (263 Articles)

The JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards will be going ahead this year, with the date and location to be announced
The JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards will be going ahead this year, with the date and location to be announced

JAA design awards confirmed for 2017

The Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) has confirmed that the Australasian Jewellery Awards will take place in 2017, with a new category included in the line-up.

The JAA Australasian Jewellery Awards, which was established in 1968, aims to recognise and celebrate emerging and experienced jewellery designers throughout Australia and New Zealand.

This year, a category titled Contemporary/Non-Precious has been introduced to the program. The addition allows entrants to submit pieces made from materials not represented in other categories such as timber, shell, resin, ceramic and base metals.

Amanda Hunter, JAA executive director
Amanda Hunter, JAA executive director

JAA executive director Amanda Hunter explained that the competition provided jewellers with the opportunity to enhance and also challenge their design and production skills.

“Past winners have stated that the JAA’s awards are a real benchmark of success in jewellery design and manufacturing, and many feel uplifted through involvement in the program,” Hunter said, adding, “It is a positive and rewarding experience for us all to get involved in.”

The winner of the overall Jeweller of the Year Award will receive a trip to Hong Kong to compete in the 2018 International Jewellery Design Excellence Award program, which is held as part of the Hong Kong International Jewellery Show.

In addition, category winners will be published in the print and digital platforms of media sponsor Mywedding and receive exposure through various JAA mediums.

As previously reported by Jeweller, the JAA was unable to hold the traditional biennial Australasian Jewellery Awards in 2016, as the necessary funding could not be acquired. The awards program last took place in 2014.

Hunter said 2017 award recipients would be announced at an event held during the JAA Jewellery Tradeshow in Sydney, which was scheduled to run from 26 August to 28 August. The date and location for the event were still to be determined.

Young Jewellers Group

The JAA has also announced the involvement of the Young Jewellers Group (YJG) at this year’s JAA Jewellery Tradeshow.

The two groups will collaborate to host the Manufacturing and Design Championships.

Taking place in a live format during the fair, the contest's participants will have the chance to compete under the categories of jeweller, setter, CAD technician and hand engraver for prizes said to be valued at thousands of dollars.

YJG co-founder Brett Low stated that YJG members were looking forward to lending support to the event.

“We are proud to be part of an industry-run event, and promote the growth and talent of the Australian jewellery trade,” Low said.

The YJG, founded in 2011, is an online platform where young manufacturing jewellers can network with industry peers.

Further details of the Manufacturing and Design Championships and the Australasian Jewellery Awards, including entry forms and terms and conditions, will soon be available on the JAA website.

More reading
JAA Tradeshow to support emerging jewellers
JAA cancels jewellery design awards
2017 diamond awards cancelled
Jewellery championship winners announced

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