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My Store: E.G Etal

E.G.ETAL's unique store gallery is specially designed to facilitate and enhance a personal relationship with their artists and their work.


Country: Australia
Name: Emma Goodsir
Position: Director, e.g.etal

When was the renovated space completed?

The space in Flinders Lane, Melbourne was renovated with a new design in 2013.

Who is the target market and how did they influence the store design?

Our clients seek unique, handmade pieces with a strong connection to the maker, so our gallery layout is designed to facilitate and enhance a personal relationship with our artists and their work.

We also have a dedicated exhibition space in our gallery that houses a series of jewellery installations throughout the year. There is always something new, interesting and challenging for our clients to engage with.

With the relationship between store ambience and consumer purchasing in mind, which features in the store encourage sales?

The interior design creates continuity and flow, with a focus on the neutral flooring that wraps up the walls and ends as a stylised city-scape horizon.

The perimeter display is the central focus, leading customers through the space so they can examine each artist’s work, as they walk around the gallery and discover which designs speak to them.

A section of the gallery is devoted to precious wedding and engagement rings, with a central seating area where we offer warm, attentive, one-on-one consultations.

What is the store design’s ‘wow factor’?

We’re often considered one of Melbourne’s hidden gems. Tucked away in one of the city’s hippest laneways, we are located below street level. When our customers descend the stairs for the first time, they are greeted with a space that is unexpectedly light, sophisticated and inviting.

We’ve enhanced that sense of discovery by appealing to all the senses: clean, contemporary design, warm lighting, lots of greenery and lovely scents.





Ellendale Diamonds

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