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Articles from INDUSTRY ASSOCIATIONS (263 Articles)


NCJV shoots down JAA merger

After months of in-fighting and unrest, the NCJV has voted against a merger with the JAA, yet left the door open to stronger ties between the two organisations.
At a special general meeting held 29 March, members of the NCJV Victorian Division voted against a resolution “that an approach be made to the JAA Board to ascertain what affiliation would involve.”

However, members later voted that the NCJV make an approach to the JAA about forming a stronger bond between the two jewellery industry associations.

An amended motion, “That the NCJV Victorian Division make an approach to the JAA to become an Industry Sector Committee of the JAA,” was carried unanimously.

NCJV members, Ronnie Bauer and Tony Lane, were responsible for the initial motion, while Jan Lenartas and Debbi Hamid spearheaded the amended motion.

The Victorian comittee will discuss the matter at a meeting this week, before any formal approach is made.

The resolution appears to have ended months of unrest within the NCJV.

Earlier this year, it was reported there were deep divisions within the organisation relating to a number of contentious issues, including education, the Valuer magazine and capitation levels.

This led a break-away group to call for a merger with the JAA.

The special general meeting was called after some members threatened a walkout as the disagreements escalated.

JAA CEO Ian Hadassin confirmed he had had informal talks with NCJV members earlier this year.

“We’ve been approached on an unofficial basis by certain members in Victoria. However, we’ve yet to receive any formal contact from them,” he said.

He also confirmed he was aware the meeting had taken place.

“As I understand a meeting was held a few weeks ago, and they resolved that they wanted to approach the JAA to see what they had to offer,” he said.

He said he would consider the possibility of stronger ties between the two organisations, although a number of issues would need to be worked out.

“We would certainly consider it because from our point of view we want to look after the long term interests of the industry, we don’t want to be divisive (amongst the NCJV),” he said.

However, there is a division between the NCJV and the JAA which stems from a disagreement about jewellery valuations.

“We believe a valuation should not be prepared prior to a sale being made; whatever a ring sells for should be the market price,” Hadassin said, adding, “they (NCJV) feel that they should be able to provide valuations beforehand, but they have provided me with absolutely no evidence to show how they got an accurate market value.”

The issue would be a sticking point in any discussions of a relationship between the JAA and NCJV.

“If we were to take the NCJV under our wing we would insist that valuers didn’t make valuations prior to a sale, and that valuations reflected the market price,” Hadassin said.

The NCJV said any formal approach to the JAA is pending approval from the Victorian management committee at a meeting this week.

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