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FREE eBOOK: Google Reviews 101

Download FREE eBookIt’s true that most searches start online, but where do they end? Is it on your website or a competitor’s? When it comes to getting found by your customers, local businesses—those with a physical presence—actually have a huge advantage - learn how you can outrank your competition.

Google Reviews are made up of star ratings (1 to 5 scale) and a written response customers provide about their experience with a local business.

For business owners, Google Reviews are a critical component of local marketing. Since Google uses its reviews to influence local search results, mastering Google Reviews will have an immediate impact on the number and types of searches your business shows up for.

Beyond local search, Google Reviews have many additional benefits for local businesses.

Download the eBook below to see how you can outrank your competition. 

Explore in depth on how to get more reviews, boost local SEO and beat the competition:
  • Step-by-step to get more Google Reviews.

  • Why do Google Reviews matter?

  • Outrank your competition.

  • Optimize your Google My Business listing.

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Download the full version of this guide for free

Download FREE guide now


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