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My Store: Rohan Jewellers

STORe: Rohan Jewellers

Location: Perth, WA

Name: Rohan Milne

Position: Founder and creative director

When was the renovated space completed?

2008, though we have made continual updates since then.

Who is the target market?

A love of collaborating with our customers and handcrafting custom jewellery is at the core of the Rohan Jewellers philosophy – we have become synonymous with that.

Our clients seek a highly personalised experience when embarking on creating a bespoke piece of jewellery with us, so this factor had great influence when designing our boutique in Leederville – one of our two Perth stores.

A private viewing room within the boutique provides a relaxed and intimate setting to try
on collection pieces, explore ideas with our designers, and view our range of loose gemstones – including coveted Argyle pink diamonds – with me.

Which features encourage sales?

I was inspired to create a luxury boutique with a relaxed environment that makes people feel at ease.

Rohan Jewellers is a welcoming space where clients can explore their own ideas and work
with a designer to have them turned into high- quality jewellery.

What is the store design’s ‘wow factor’?

Unique to our Leederville boutique, our workshop – where all of our pieces are handcrafted – is located on-site. We invite customers to visit our workshop at any time where our master jewellers are constantly working on new pieces.

I’m happy to show them the precise tools that I and the team of jewellers will use as they collaborate in the creation of each unique piece.











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