| Aara Jewellery | G45 | | Jewellery Centre | A13 |
| Amber Centre | A18 | | JS Landau Diamonds | A06 |
| Anshi Silver Jewellery Co. | H17 | | Kaiserman | C32 |
| Aria Jewelry | G31 | | Kalin Insurance Services | E10 |
| Armaguard | A01 | | La Couronne Jewellery | C20 |
| Arya Commercial Opal Cutters | H28 | | Labon Australia | D37 |
| Australian Precious Stones | H14 | | Leading Edge Group Jewellers | LE |
| Australian Wholesale Jewellery | G18 | | Limra Gems | H16 |
| Autore Pearls | G09 | | LJ West Diamonds | F10 |
| AV Diamonds | F13 | | Loona | B40 |
| AVP Star Private Limited | H22 | | Mark McAskill Jewellery | C10 |
| Ayres Packaging & Display | D14 | | Mats Jonasson / Shillcombe | A02 |
| Aztec Gold and Silver | D44 | | Mishwa Export | C39 |
| Baijnath Ramkishore Jewellers | C46 | | Morris and Watson | C45 |
| Becks Group Australia | E01 | | Mountain Creek Jewellery | A36 |
| Bianc | B44 | | Nationwide Jewellers | NW |
| Bolton Gems | D29 | | NCF Aus | B49 |
| Bonbon Guy Promotions | C35 | | Nelson Aust JA | F30 |
| Cactus Watches | C26 | | Nine Stars Trading | A37 |
| Carats & Grams Co. | A08 | | Nullarbor Watch Company | G47 |
| Cartmer Jewellery | D13 | | OOZOO Timepieces Australia | B25 |
| Centrestone Jewellery Insurance | C09 | | Opals Australia | G13 |
| Chemgold | D17 | | Orange River Diamonds | B45 |
| Citizen Watches Australia | A21 | | Osia International | G39 |
| Citygold | A11 | | Packamate Limited | E45 |
| Classic Grown Diamonds | A24 | | Palloys | C01 |
| Cocktail Jewellery | F36 | | Paterson Fine Jewellery | B01 |
| Combined Jewellery Services | D48 | | Peka Agencies | C47 |
| Couture Kingdom | A30 | | Pha-A-Tit Precious | G06 |
| Cultured Jewellery Designs | D35 | | Picup Media / GemLightbox | A17 |
| Dazzle Jewels | F40 | | Pig and Hen | C42 |
| Design Centre Enmore TAFE NSW | TAFE | | Planet Almas | H29 |
| Designa Accessories | B39 | | Podium | D43 |
| Desire Gemstones & Diamonds | A26 | | Poix and Troy | G20 |
| Dhruv Star | C44 | | Prana Diamonds | E50 |
| Diamond Sensation | B18 | | Preyas Jewellery | D50 |
| Diamonds on Call | B10 | | Pure Lab Diamonds | G10 |
| Diamonds Republic | H39 | | R and D Italian Jewellery | C49 |
| Distell International | A19 | | Rad Jewellery Wholesale | H06 |
| DJ Diamond Designs | B17 | | Rapid Casting | E43 |
| DSM Pacific | G38 | | Retail Edge Consultants | E44 |
| Duraflex Group Australia | A12 | | RJ Scanlan & Co | B36 |
| Eastern Pearl | G41 | | Saba Company | A42 |
| Eco Light Diamond | D46 | | Salt and Pepper Diamonds | A20 |
| Element Designer Jewelry | H31 | | SAMS Group Australia | F18 |
| Ellendale Diamonds Australia | A23 | | Sapphire Export | A25 |
| Emilia Jewellery | G14 | | Sarkar Jewellers | H43 |
| Eugene’s Jewellery | D25 | | Searay | G35 |
| Evie Love Diamonds | H15 | | Sejal Exports India | H19 |
| Evotech Pacific | C36 | | Shonrei Products | B51 |
| Fabuleux Vous | F14 | | Shree International HK | G30 |
| Freya Noosa | B41 | | Shree Ramkrishna Exports | G02 |
| Gallagher Insurance Brokers | B26 | | Silk and Steel | B48 |
| Gaviota Jewellery | H20 | | SK Diamonds | F03 |
| GDP Impex HK | H24 | | | F36 |
| Geek X Distribution | B30 | | Sovereign Gems | C11 |
| Gemmological Association of Australia | GAA | | Sparkle Impex | A09 |
| Gerrim International | B13 | | Stellar Group HK | H21 |
| Glenyville Italian Jewellery | C14 | | Stoned Crystals | G32 |
| Global Jewellery Concepts | B12 | | Stones & Silver | F01 |
| Glory Diam HK Limited | C43 | | Sydney Pearls | C23 |
| Gold and Gems | A33 | | Taizhou Nine’s Import & Export Trading | H18 |
| Gold Exchange Universe | F02 | | The Battery Man | B19 |
| Golden Mile Jewellery Manufacturers | C29 | | The Diamond Port | H13 |
| Hari Krishna Exports | H09 | | The Gemstone Trading Company | E46 |
| Heart and Grace | C19 | | Timesupply | D01 |
| Heera Moti | B29 | | TJD Silver | B24 |
| Himalayan Treasures | A03 | | Tutu Display | C30 |
| Ikecho Australia | E13 | | Unique Grown Diamond | C41 |
| Imajpak | F24 | | Vanessa Jewelry | A38 |
| Imperial Jewels | C40 | | Veer Diamonds | A46 |
| Independent Jewellers Collective (IJC) | IJC | | Vina Jewellery | F44 |
| Indian Lapidary | G29 | | Virtual Diamond Boutique | C24 |
| Infra Laser | C18 | | Viva Collection | G24 |
| Inspiring Pearls | B35 | | West End Collection | D10 |
| Inter Diam | B37 | | World Shiner | G36 |
| Italian Continental Jewellery | B46 | | Worth & Douglas | E12 |
| Jaipur Gems | D45 | | ZETAGS | F50 |
| Jeweller Magazine | JM | | Ziva Jewelry | F54 |