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Search Results - Two Minute Tips

your search of 'Two Minute Tips' has 6 results.

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Two Minute Tips
SEO or SEM: Which is better for business?

Every business knows the power of appearing on the first page of Google search results. LAURA DAWSON explores which method is best for improving page rank and converting sales. Read more »

Two Minute Tips
Buddy System: a smarter way to increase jewellery sales

While not as popular in Australia and New Zealand as the US, the sales staff “buddy system” could be a way to engage with customers on a higher and more personalised level. Read more »

Two Minute Tips
Non-negotiables – Secrets to sales success

The most successful retailers outline and set standards for customer service, which are non-negotiable with staff. It’s about being better than your competitors and your store staying top-of-mind with the customer. Read more »

Two Minute Tips
Referred sales – a jeweller’s best friend

If there is an area where small businesses can stand head and shoulders above large businesses, it’s in 'referrals'. Of all lead generation methods, referrals is the most likely to result in a sale because it addresses the issue of trust. Read more »

Two Minute Tips
Two Minutes with Jimmy & Jeweller: Counter Etiquette Series

It's easy to forget the importance of basic Counter Etiquette and in this complete three part series, Jimmy discusses how you can win over customers the moment they enter your store. Why not spend the next two minutes with Jimmy to enhance your staff's customer greetings and perfect your winning close? Read more »

Introducing Two minutes with Jimmy & Jeweller

One of the biggest challenges for retailers today is finding new ways to stand out from the crowd. Your competitor is no longer the 'other store down the street' – it’s just as likely to be someone half way around the world, courtesy of the internet. Read more »

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