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The Australian Opal Exhibition is scheduled to take place in Southport on 31 July - 1 August.

21st Australian Opal Exhibition – Exhibitor Directory

The 2024 Australian Opal Exhibition invites the global jewellery trade to view an extensive display of Australia's most beautiful opal and opal jewellery; the world's most premium Australian opal suppliers bring you the largest ever range to be seen in one attractive location. Read more »
The Australian Opal Exhibition is scheduled to take place in Southport on 2-3 August.

20th Australian Opal Exhibition – Exhibitor Directory

The 2023 Australian Opal Exhibition invites the global jewellery trade to view an extensive display of Australia's most beautiful opal and opal jewellery; the world's most premium Australian opal suppliers bring you the largest ever range to be seen in one attractive location. Read more »

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