(470 Articles)
Caroline Broadhead's new veil collar
Jewellery exhibition with a twist
Posted April 23, 2012 | By Dean Millard • Staff Journalist
Those seeking a little inspiration in the world of jewellery creation
might want to pay a visit to the National Gallery of Victoria to
experience some Unexpected Pleasures.
The National Gallery of Victoria (NGV) is running the Unexpected Pleasures exhibition of more than 200 pieces of contemporary jewellery from now until August 26, when the exhibition will move on to London.
The exhibition looks at what society means by jewellery from a number of different perspectives.
Using the radical experiments of the Contemporary Jewellery Movement as its starting point, the exhibition is a collection of important pieces from around the world that explores the essential meaning of jewellery.
According to the NGV’s website the collection focuses on pieces that are “at the intersection of art and design”.
All items in the collection are designed to be worn although it could be argued that some might be more challenging to wear than others, such as a tubular “veil” collar and necklace of glass and ceramic dildos.
The exhibition has been divided into a number of themes, Worn Out, Linking Links and A Fine Line. Entry to the exhibition is free.
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Jewellery's hits and misses 2011