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your search of 'Angela Han' has 45 results.

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Anyone familiar with Holloway’s work will not be surprised to learn that he does not mince words on several controversial topics. | Source: The Sydney Morning Herald

Mythbusters: Aussie diamond expert publishes new book

Australian diamond expert Garry Holloway has published a new book to debunk the industry's many myths and misconceptions. Read more »
Graham Jackson on his 90th birthday,  one of the Australian jewellery industry's most respected contributors, passed away last Thursday at the age of 92.

Australian jewellery industry icon: Remembering Graham Jackson

Graham Jackson OAM, one of the Australian jewellery industry's most respected contributors, passed away last Thursday at the age of 92. Read more »
If you don’t know where you came from, then you don’t know where you are. If you don’t know where you are, then you don’t know where you’re going. And if you don’t know where you’re going – you’re probably lost!

You'll never understand the universe if you only study one planet

More often than not, the questions are complicated, but the answers are simple. Publisher ANGELA HAN reflects on the creation of the State of the Industry Report. Read more »
In business, becoming consumed by the ‘smaller details’ is easy.  Understanding this panoramic picture with Jeweller's 2024 State of the Industry report will help you plan for the future.

Editor's Desk
A picture of yesterday, today, and tomorrow

It has been said that ‘details create the bigger picture’. ANGELA HAN offers a sneak peek into Jeweller’s most significant issue of the decade, published next month. Read more »
Consider the subtle but distinct differences between ‘colour gemstones’ and ‘coloured gemstones.’ Both are used interchangeably by different sources within the jewellery industry, but they are far from alike!

Editor's Desk
What's in a name? That which we call a rose, by any other word, would smell as sweet.

Language is changing faster than ever before. ANGELA HAN explores the importance of keeping current on the latest nomenclature changes. Read more »
Trade fairs present an opportunity to increase your store’s profitability.

Editor's Desk
When opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door

The largest Sydney trade show of the past decade is just weeks away. ANGELA HAN stresses the importance of making the most of the opportunities these events present. Read more »
It's been said by many important historical figures that ‘the first casualty of war is the truth’ and the conflict between ‘natural’ and lab-created diamonds supporters has been no exception to this rule. | Source: Pixabay

Voices of reason rising above the diamond melee

The heated debate about the future of the international diamond industry continues unabated. ANGELA HAN reflects on recent calls for civility. Read more »
Nationwide Jewellers’ annual Timeout Conference has come and gone for another year and reports from the  event – whether it be suppliers, buyers,  or organisers – were glowing. | Source: Shutterstock

Gratitude is an attitude – so don’t forget to say thanks

It’s easy to feel that the world is slipping out of control these days. Despite the uncertainties ahead, ANGELA HAN offers a reminder of the importance of giving thanks. Read more »
Further, all too often claims are made that seem to be accepted as gospel when there is no evidence to support them.  | Shutterstock

Editor's Desk
Many hands make light work

‘Stronger together’ is a phrase that’s been used aplenty. ANGELA HAN believes that it’s a term that exemplifies the work buying groups achieve. Read more »
Consumers feel the pinch from day-to- day, retailers carry the burden of weakened consumer spending, and suppliers feel the pain of struggling retailers.  | Source: Shutterstock

Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain

It’s difficult to escape the doom and gloom messaging around the economy. ANGELA HAN calls for retailers and suppliers to remain proactive no matter what the future holds. Read more »
Michael Hill plans to open more than 80 Bevilles locations in Australia, New Zealand, and Canada over the next five years. PhotoArt: Jeweller Magazine

Michael Hill and Bevilles: History never repeats itself, but it does often rhyme

The international jewellery industry is an ever-changing landscape. ANGELA HAN reflects on Michael Hill’s acquisition of Bevilles. Read more »
Technology and improved manufacturing capabilities have finally caught up with the trade causing a huge shift created by lab-created diamonds.

Editor's Desk
We cannot direct the wind - but we can adjust the sails

The lab-created diamond market has once again found itself at a crossroads concerning transparency. ANGELA HAN argues that the adage of ‘adapt or perish’ remains as relevant as ever. Read more »
In a series of emails following recent reporting the JAA says that its six-year-old dispute with Expertise Events "is dead and buried”.

“It’s dead and buried”, JAA closes chapter on industry dispute

Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) president Joshua Sharp has made the first move in what may be seen as a step towards unifying the industry. Read more »
Ronnie Bauer, vice-president of the JAA issued an apology: “I acknowledge that between 2016 and 2019 I was not on the [JAA] board and as such I was not privy to any negotiations that were conducted by the JAA and Expertise Events".

JAA vice president retracts comments and apologises

In a surprising turn of events Jewellers Association of Australia (JAA) vice president Ronnie Bauer has retracted recent statements made about Expertise Events. Read more »
Expertise Events attempted to offer an olive branch to the Jewellers Association of Australia, but the meeting was rejected and yet the JAA claims it “only promotes harmony between each other” and “always welcomes discussions with other industry bodies”.

Editor's Desk
Preaching unity while setting fire to the olive branch

In light of the sudden departure of the JAA president and subsequent admissions by the newly appointed vice-president, ANGELA HAN asks some difficult questions ahead of the JAA's upcoming annual general meeting. Read more »

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